DIY and Crafts · Uncategorized

Halloween Candles

Hey guys!

I’m loving these Halloween blogs so much, they’re so fun to make! This week i have a simple DIY that has supplies that are easy to get your hands on :)!






  1. Decide on the measurements of the candles and how many you want to make. I’ve decided to make four candles that are all different sized.


  1. Once you’ve decided on the sizes you want, mark it out with a pen and draw a line all the way around the tube. Do this for all the candles you are making.



  1. The first thing you want to do is cut a slit up the centre of the tube because the candles are too small so we need to adjust the tubes to fit. This also makes it easier to cut out the height markings.


  1. Once you have cut out the markings, you can now see the sizes of the candles. If you aren’t happy with them now is the perfect time to change them.



  1. After I quickly changed my sizes this was how I wanted my candle to be laid out.


  1. Now you want to fit the toilet roll tube around the candle you have. Wrap the tube around the candle so that it is secure enough and won’t fall through, and once you are happy with that you can secure it with some masking tape. Do this for all of the candles.



  1. For the smaller candles this wont be an issue but you will need to make a way of accessing the switch of the candles. To do this I just decided to cut a tab onto the side of the tube that way you just have to lift it and you can switch the light on and off.


  1. Using your glue gun add runs going down the sides of the candle to make it look like running wax. Do this for all the candles.



  1. Next thing to do is paint the tubes black, they might need more than one coat for this. I decided that I didn’t like the look of the running wax and I wanted to make it stand out a little more so I added a bit of metallic silver paint to it. I think it looked so much better this way than it did before. I also decided to paint my orange candle black so it didn’t stand out.



Now we’re done! These are great for Halloween, they look so creepy in the dark. This is them in the dark and in the light.


I’d love to know what you all think. I hope you enjoyed this weeks Halloween post.

I’ll see you next time,



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